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Sound Healing For Better Health

3 min read

sound healing

Sound healing has a multitude of benefits, and it is a science that has been prevalent since ancient times. The civilizations of the past used sounds effectively to heal the human body and mind. The use of sound healing smoothly goes back thousands of years when people tried to combine the vibrations of the objects, universe, energy, and sounds together.

Currently, there has been a revival of the usage of sound healing to help people recover from some chronic ailments. It is considered that music is an integral part of human life, and it truly connects the body and the soul to the energies of the universe. Therefore, using music for healing can be very useful if the right frequencies are used, and it really taps into the inner self of a human being.

Sound Healing For Better Health

Principles Of Sound Healing

Sound healing works on the belief that everything in the universe creates some vibrations, including the human body. Each and every part of the human body, including the muscles, bones, tissues, cells, blood, etc. works on a frequency of vibration. When the human body and mind are entirely in sync with this vibration, it creates peace and harmony. On the contrary, if these frequencies do not resonate with each other, the human body and mind tend to become dissonant. This leads to a vibration of unhealthy frequencies, leading to illnesses. 

How Is Sound Healing Used?

It is a known fact that sound is measured in Hertz (Hz) or frequencies. Therefore, in order to use sound healing, the healing frequencies are applied to the energy fields around the human body. There are live sessions of sound therapy where the therapeutic or healing frequencies in the form of pleasant sounds are played. There are many ways in which these sounds are delivered. It includes Tibetan singing bowls, monochords, tuning forks, quartz crystal bowls, and much more. There are also some shamanic traditions of sound healing that comes in the form of the didgeridoo, native flute, native drum, and so on. The main idea behind these healing frequencies is to bring a sense of resonance and harmony with the surroundings. When the human body and mind are in direct contact with nature and creation, it leads to a state of relaxation and wellbeing.

Sometimes, sound healing is also combined with other forms of healing therapies such as Reiki, healing massages, crystal and gem therapy, and many others. This is a type of treatment that easily complements other relaxation techniques. In fact, a combination of sound healing with others actually leads to enhanced effects.

Sound Healing For Better Health

How Does Sound Therapy Help?

Sound therapy offers healing effects by helping achieve a deep state of relaxation for body and mind. With sound healing, deep emotional pain and scars can be healed from within. It definitely helps in relaxing the body and mind. There is another technique called sonopuncture, which is a modification of acupuncture. In this technique, tuning forks are used instead of needles, and they are inserted on the acupuncture points. The effects of sonopuncture have been impressive for some people.

To sum up, sound healing is a process through which you can alleviate or permanently come over some physiological problems. It can also help in improving the overall health of a person by offering deep mental relaxation. Research confirms that music helps in relaxing the mind, and it can reduce the overall anxiety levels in a person.


HOMAURA® - Holistic Decor for Your Wellbeing 

HOMAURA® offers holistic home décor with a blend of chic, contemporary, and boho-inspired items so you can connect your mind, body, and soul with your space. Shop our latest additions in our relaxing holistic décor collection, and add to your surroundings the elegant, feel-good style décor you deserve.


Author Bio: Hey there! We’re the HOMAURA® Holistic Home Décor Team. We believe that life is a beautiful gift, and thus, taking a more holistic approach to living a healthy lifestyle and surrounding ourselves with mindful home décor is a way of honoring and celebrating it. That’s why we‘re huge fans of sharing contemporary-chic, bohemian style interior design ideas with décor items such as aromatherapy to bedding and wall art, as well as good-vibes apparel and jewelry. We hope you’ll find an inspiring, holistic, well-being approach to living in all that you do. Happy reading, stay inspired, and live well!


#wellness #Wellbeing #soundhealing #homaura #health #healing


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